Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6, Klahanie Creeper

After a fun night officially getting to know a new friend, I had a hard time getting motivated for this morning's run.  Even though I have a Garmin GPS watch I still like to track out my routes ahead of time so that I have a general idea of where I'm heading without getting completely lost.  So I Google-mapped my route and selected the walking option which offers routes that aren't available on car routes.  But boy can Google get it wrong some times.  A back woods trail, which I've often taken part way, showed up on the map as letting out onto the main road.  But what the map didn't say was that the trail ended at the back of a Day Care Center.  I weighed my options and concluded that since I wouldn't be taking this route again, I might as well make a dash through the day care center's back yard, hooded sweatshirt, beanie and all, while school was in session and kids were playing on the jungle gyms.  Suspicious mothers looked at me from the window with weary eyes.  This got me thinking if somewhere on Googlemaps there's a disclaimer that says Google is not legally responsible for my trespassing, even though there was a trail on the map!  Currently running to  Bruno Mars - Wops & Hooligans.

Thursday, January 20th, 2011
Today's Run, 3.3 miles
Pace, 10:09 min/mile
15.40 miles total

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